Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is the colour of happiness?
I know the sound of it,
laughing kids racing around, calling out, shrieking.
I also know the feel of it,
clinging to the arm of the one you always wanted.
The smell of happiness, uhmmm, not too sure.
But the colour, I just don't get.

Wish I wasn't this whale much daft,
'cause this day nothing can upset me,
Not even when I can't figure out a colour,
seeing and feeling the world this cheerly bright.
If you know the colour of happiness spray me all over
For I want to live deep and long in its loud, fragrant coat.

But, wait for it, am going to get greedy, a wee bit.
Am going to make me even happier still,
by spreading it, cheering up those I meet.
And those I can't, I'll put a smile on their faces.
As for you, any which way you can, throw me a broad one,
smile with a splash of colour, just for me.
Vast, engaging, one-eyed blue sky,
gliding clouds like fluffy feathers tickling the mountains,
and leering at the valleys through which rivers snake.
serene lakes with cranes, herons and preys.
shorelines hissing in irritation at the ocean waves bragging
on their 'gift-bearing' trips around the world.

The roars and moos, chirps, tweets and bleats
of the wild (as we choose to name them),
along principles devised all for themselves,
among the plants in their best makeups,
and trees in their most elegant, pathways and routes,
the wild, living life in its at once dangerous and simplest.

Oh, the winds do come along in wees and howls.
and the rains every now and then in drizzles and storms.
So the snows in flakes and blizzards.
the floods, droughts and quakes too.
but mother Earth is always there for us,
keeping us warm, fed, and settled in city sprawls.

Yes, she does have a flame, may be not all to herself.
flirting with the sky's monocle, slowly twirling and whirling,
round and around the sun day in day out she flirts with him.
what pleasure she derives, we may never, never know.
But the bond is there palpable, strong and there for so ever.
maybe love is one-eyed after all.