Wednesday, September 26, 2007


The US Democrats' Primaries is turning out to be the next real big and interestng thing. For the first time in centuries of US history the American citizenry is being asked one big question: Is America really a land of equality?
Why the question? I'll tell you. Now have a look at the two front runners of the US Democrats' Presidential candidates, Mrs. Hillary Clinton and Mr. Barak Obama. They come from the deprived and underprivileged of the citizens in America. Obama can be permitted to called a black man while Mrs. Clinton is female. None of them come from the group that has ever been penciled down for possible assention to the presidency of America. But both have come up for scutiny and the two are the front runners. That says a lot about the Democratic Party.
What the situation now begs is the possibility of either one of them becoming the Democratic Pary's nominee. Either way it will tell a lot about whether or not the land of the free is actually the land of the equals. Either one of them is okay by me. But that is not what really trips me. What gives me the thrills is the possibility of both of them ending up as the Presidential candidate and running mate. You bet the Republicans will be kept out of the white house for the next 50 years. Of course they won't like that. But I recommend that for the Democrats. Even Bush is scared stiff of that. He sounded close to it a couple of days back.
I have been watching and I think the rest of the World is watching too. I am not an American, am Nigerian but I find myself in the thick of the expectations in the Democratic Party. ordinarily I should be routing for Mr. Obama as a fellow black even though I am more comfortable with the term, a fellow human, I find myself remembering the good the Clintons did in the white house.
So just for my selfish secret yearnings if the Democrats put the two of them forward I WOULD BE STUMPED, they can't lose the election. But then America is a strange country and they put out only the image they want you to see and the ugly sneaks out quite by accident and with a lot of finger pointing afterwards.
I am watching and I think you should.

have a great day.

abbah r. agor-agalanga